EVERY TUESDAY MORNING TIME - 9.30AM - 11.00AM LOCATION - 41 Karawatha Street, BUDERIM NEW MOON AND FULL MOON MEDITATIONS (EVERY SECOND WEEK) WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TIME - 6.30PM - 8.00PM LOCATION - 41 Karawatha St, BUDERIM A Journey for your Soul This is so much more than a Meditation group and invites you to be open to travel deep within. I offer you a safe and nurturing space to explore your inner world.
Contact Karen |
Events & Retreats
Munay-Ki Rites
The Nine Rites of Initiation of the Medicine People of South America
The Fire Ceremony is one of the key processes of the Munay-ki and helps you on the rapid path to transformation Fire Ceremonies are generally held on the New or Full Moons when the energy is heightened Fire allows for rapid transformation. It provides the avenue to let go of the old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through the fire ceremony, you honour your lessons and old belief structures by placing them in the fire and turning them over to Spirit. By releasing these old patterns and beliefs into the fire, you heal deeply at the level of the soul without having to experience them at the literal and physical levels. Once you have received the ninth Rite you will participate in a Fire Ceremony to complete the process of receiving the Rites. During the Process of receiving the Rites you will learn:
One on One -Three rites per session - exchange $599 if paying in full Two Persons doing the Rites together $170 per session or $499 per person You will receive the Rites over a few weeks at a mutually agreed time So are you ready to take part in the Initiation Process and receive the nine Rites? |
The Nine Rites Rite 1 -The Healers Rite The Healers Rite awakens the healing power within you. It also assists you in your own healing journey. As you connect to the lineage of Earth keepers from the past, the Laika, know that we have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us. These luminous beings work on us during Meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of our past and of our ancestors. Rite 2 -The Bands of Power These are bands of protection installed into your Luminous Energy Field They consist of five bands of protection representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water and pure light. These bands act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any negative energies that come your way so that these energies can feed you instead of making you toxic or ill. The Bands of Power take about three weeks to fully activate and once installed are always ‘on’ and negative energies bounce right off them. In a world filled with fear, the bands provide essential protection. The bands also bring a new sense of self empowerment as you release once needed armour from your energy field. Rite 3 - The Harmony Rites In this powerful Rite you will receive the seven Archetypes into your chakras In the first chakra, you will receive the Archetype of Serpent helping you to shed the past the way the Serpent sheds its skin. In the second chakra you will receive the Archetype of Jaguar, the energy of self mastery. In the third chakra you will receive the Archetype of Hummingbird, bringing you the sweetness and the nectar of life. In the fourth chakra you will receive the Archetype of Eagle, helping you to spread your own wings. Then three ‘archangels’, go into your upper three chakras. In the fifth Chakra you will receive Huascar Inka - The keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious). In the sixth chakra you will receive Quetzalcoatl – the rainbow feathered serpent God of the Americas and keeper of the Middle World. In the seventh Chakra you will receive Pachakuti, the protector of the Upper World (our super conscious) and keeper of the time to come. Rite 4 -The Seer Rites This Rite instals filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head (the Altar Major Chakra) to your third eye and heart chakras. This practice awakens your ability to perceive the invisible world, illuminates your third eye and enhances you intuition. Your ‘inner seer’ will enable you to connect with like minded people and allow synchronicities to flow into your life more easily. Rite 5 - The Daykeeper Rites The Healing of the Feminine The Day keepers were the masters of the ancient stone altars found in sacred places throughout the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. The Day keeper is able to call on the power of these ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the world. This Rite is an energetic transmission that connects you to a lineage of Laika’s from the past. According to lore, the Day keepers call on the sun to rise each morning and set each evening, made sure that humans were in harmony with mother earth and the honoured ways of the feminine. Rite 6 - The Wisdomkeeper Rites The Healing of the Masculine The legends say the ancient wisdom lies in the high mountains. The ice covered peaks were revered as places of power, just as other mountains around the world, from Mount Sinai, to Mt Fuji to Mt Olympus, they have been honoured as places where humans meet divine. The lineage of Wisdom keepers are medicine men and women from the past who defeated death and stepped outside of time. The job of the Wisdomkeepers is to protect the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate. This Rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity. Rite 7 – Earthkeeper’s Rite The Earth keeper Rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. They’re reputed to have human form and be as tall as trees. The Earth keepers who are stewards of all life on Earth, come under the direct protection of these archangels and can summon their power when they need to in order to bring healing and balance into any situation. The Rite of the Earth keeper helps you to learn the ways of the seer and to dream the world into being. Rite 8 – Starkeeper’s Rite This Rite connects you to the stars, the galaxies and to the sun, our local star. It anchors you safely to the time to come after the great change which occurred in 2012. Your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo Luminous, the ageing process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease. Your body begins to heal and age differently. Rite 9 – Creator’s Rite When you receive this initiation, you awaken the God-light within. You acquire stewardship for all of creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the Universe. This Rite has never been available on the planet before. Although there were individuals who attained this level of initiation, and awakened their Christ or Buddha consciousness, it was never possible to transmit these from one person to another, until today. In times gone by this Rite was reserved only for the highest level Laika. The Creator Rite was brought forth and gifted to us by Inka elders in the Andes during the Summer of 2006 due to the great changes that are happening in our world now |

Intuitive Shamanic Healing for Spiritual Growth
Shifting into the New Earth and connecting to New Earth
Reclaim and redirect your energy according to what matters most to you!
One/One Intuitive Healings with Karen by Appointment
This beautiful calming space brings nature to you
I work through the energy of the lineage, the medicine men and women, my team in spirit and your guides,
channelling the information you need at this time on earth, for your spiritual growth.
At this time so many people are going through traumatic and sudden changes in their lives,
or just need an 'energy tune-up' and I am so happy to offer you support through these incredible healing sessions
Things are shifting and changing at such a fast pace and as spiritual beings we are shifting and changing
This can mean we need to 'unplug' from the previous paradigm to help us step into who we are becoming!
All of this is held in your energy and is part of the awakening process.
These sessions will help you to let go and to ground you in the New Earth energy and connect to your sovereign being
Sessions $100 1 Hour
$130 90 minutes
'We must teach ourselves, actively remind ourselves, what being wild means -
We must make room for it and invite it back! '
Shifting into the New Earth and connecting to New Earth
Reclaim and redirect your energy according to what matters most to you!
One/One Intuitive Healings with Karen by Appointment
This beautiful calming space brings nature to you
I work through the energy of the lineage, the medicine men and women, my team in spirit and your guides,
channelling the information you need at this time on earth, for your spiritual growth.
At this time so many people are going through traumatic and sudden changes in their lives,
or just need an 'energy tune-up' and I am so happy to offer you support through these incredible healing sessions
Things are shifting and changing at such a fast pace and as spiritual beings we are shifting and changing
This can mean we need to 'unplug' from the previous paradigm to help us step into who we are becoming!
All of this is held in your energy and is part of the awakening process.
These sessions will help you to let go and to ground you in the New Earth energy and connect to your sovereign being
Sessions $100 1 Hour
$130 90 minutes
'We must teach ourselves, actively remind ourselves, what being wild means -
We must make room for it and invite it back! '